The Resiliency topic reflects both Economic Development and Sustainability, having to do decision-making that values sound financial and economic development principles and care for the future of the planet as well as for Mt. Lebanon residents and community at large.
How would you prefer to see Mt. Lebanon approach each topic during the next decade?
Small businesses near elementary schools
Transit-oriented development
Focusing higher-intensity residential near transit stops and business districts
Accessory dwelling units
Short-term rentals (e.g. AirBnB)

Less of this; limit
Neutral/don't know/N/A
More of this; encourage/incentivize
Rank your level of agreement with the following ideas.
Development on unused or underused lots should be of similar scale as surrounding properties
Electric vehicle charging ports should be mandatory for some types of new construction or redevelopment
The municipality should reduce the amount of off-street parking it requires for new construction or redevelopment
The municipality should incentivize conformance to architectural guidelines or standards
The municipality should consider creating a carbon impact fee for new construction with fossil fuel heating

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Of the following list of possible sustainability and resiliency priorities for Mt. Lebanon's next 10 years, select the top FIVE you feel are the most important.
Improve and expand sidewalk network and safe crossings
Maintain fiscal responsibility, tax rates and debt ratio
Invest in business districts
Conserve and improve woodland areas in parks
Invest in stormwater and sewer infrastructure
Increase investment in municipal street trees
Install bike lanes, bike racks and other related facilities
Better maintain existing municipal facilities
Incorporate green infrastructure into municipal projects
Adopt and implement a climate action plan
Create grant and loan programs to assist with private property improvements
Increase availability of public electric vehicle charging stations
Explore public-private partnerships for municipal investments
Increase space for community gardens
Convert municipal fleet to electric vehicles
Convert municipal buildings to carbon-free heating/cooling
Establish an EcoDistrict

Has your home had a power outage in the last year?

Not sure/not applicable
(If yes,) How many power outages did you have?

More than 10
(If yes,) How long did the longest power outage last?

Less than an hour
1-5 hours
6-12 hours
12-24 hours
1-2 days
3-5 days
Have you used any of the following municipal recycling programs? (Select all that apply.)
Curbside recycling collection by waste hauler
Municipal electronics recycling drop off
Municipal woody waste pickup
Glass collection events or drop off at Village Square/Michael Brothers
Municipal paper shredding drop off

Do you utilize any of the following household waste reduction techniques?
Household gardening
Hanging laundry to dry
Rain barrel(s)

How many private vehicles does your household own, lease or regularly have access to drive?

More than two
Do you own or lease any of the following vehicles?
Hybrid vehicle
Fully electric vehicle
Electric scooter
Electric wheelchair or mobility device

What heat/cooling services does your home have?
Natural gas
Not sure / N/A
Fuel oil

Where do you purchase your food?
Conventional grocery stores (Shop 'n Save, Giant Eagle, etc.)
High-end grocery stores (Whole Foods, Market District, etc.)
Wholesale stores (Costco, Sam's Club, etc.)
Farmers market
Discount grocery stores (Aldi, Dollar General, etc.)
Food delivery service (Hello Fresh, Home Chef, Blue Apron, etc.)
Direct from local farms
Community-support agriculture (CSA)

What barriers exist to household waste reduction for your household?
Lack of space
Lack of time
Lack of knowledge/ability
Lack of interest/uncertain of benefits
Rules or regulations

What barriers exist in Mt. Lebanon to broader adoption of electric vehicles?
Cost of electric vehicles
Inability to set up charging at home
Concerns about access to public charging stations
Concerns about performance or driving range

Given the context of approximate annual cost, to what level should the municipality strive to maintain the average level of its streets? (For visual reference on ratings, click here.)
50 average PCI rating - $2.0M approx. annual cost
55 average PCI rating - $2.4M approx. annual cost
60 average PCI rating (CURRENT LEVEL) - $2.9M approx. annual cost
65 average PCI rating - $3.5M approx. annual cost
70 average PCI rating - $4.4M approx. annual cost
75 average PCI rating - $5.3M approx. annual cost
80 average PCI rating - $6.4M approx. annual cost

How would you feel about the creation of a dog park in the following locations?
McNeilly Park
Bird Park (lower open area near fire pit)
Williamsburg Park (Sunset Hills)
Brafferton Field (Sunset Hills)
Main Park (replacing wooded area)
Main Park (replacing open play space)
Main Park (replacing Dixon Field)
Pinecone Park (Sunset Hills)

I live near this location and do not support a dog park here
I do not live near this location and do not support a dog park here
Neutral/No opinion
I do not live near this location and support a dog park here
I live near this location and support a dog park here