Community Engagement
The Community Engagement topic focuses on fostering positive relations among citizens, key community organizations, and the municipality and effective communications, interactions, and collaborative partnerships between them.
Which events did you and/or members of your household attend in the last year? (Select all that apply.)
Uptown Farmers' Market
School performance (plays, musicals, etc)
Neighborhood block parties
School athletic event
Artists' Market
July 4th Community Celebration
Recreation Department program (class/sports league)
Lion's Club Farmers' Market
Youth sports league
Other library events
Other school events
Winter Market
Halloween Trunk or Treat
House of worship festivals and events
Beverly Brite Nite
Library Speaker Series
"Rock the Block" Public Safety Block Party
Tennis Pro Tournament
How did you get there? (Select all that apply.)
Private vehicle
Carpool or rideshare (including Uber/Lyft)
Light rail ("T")
Rate your agreement with the following statements.
I feel safe in Mt. Lebanon.
I feel comfortable attending activities, events, or programs in Mt. Lebanon.
I feel comfortable shopping in Mt. Lebanon's business districts.
I feel comfortable contacting the Municipality with questions or concerns.
Mt. Lebanon provides sufficient events, activities, and programs to make residents feel welcome.
I feel like I belong in Mt. Lebanon.
Mt. Lebanon is a welcoming ommunity to all.
I would like to see Mt. Lebanon become more diverse.
Mt. Lebanon is welcoming to residents, but not to outsiders.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Does your neighborhood have a block party?
Not applicable/not sure
Not eligible
Do you have a library card?
Do you go for walks in your neighborhood?